Dear Member,
I hope you and your families are well and that you are all
enjoying the summer.
We have all come through a very challenging time since mid March and are now adapting to new ways of going about our lives in a way that keeps us safe.
Announcement by Charlie O’Donovan, Chair – Cork Camera Group 2020

I’m glad to say that CCG adapted to the ‘Lock Down’ situation as early as 24th March with our weekly Tuesday virtual meetings. I want to thank the Committee members for their hard work and attention to detail with planning (at short notice) and producing the weekly content which continued up to 16th June. Also I would like to thank you, the members, for ‘tuning in’ each Tuesday for our sessions. I believe that everyone at CCG can be very proud of the fact that we continued to run our programme right up to mid June.
Where to from here?
As you know we are all still in a very challenging environment when it comes to Club activity. If you remember I did express a hope that we might be in a position to organise some outings between now and September. To this end we have reviewed the Government / HSE guidelines, spoken to our Insurer and the IPF and find that all advice is against organising any Club Outings for now. However, we will continue to review this situation and keep you advised.
On a more positive note we have decided to keep our POTY as a print competition for 2019 /2020 season. Paul has been in touch with you regarding this and we are actively planning for this.
At this point in time we do not envisage being back to the Club rooms in September and even the remainder of 2020 is too early to call, so we will continue with our virtual meetings on Tuesday evenings from 1st September at 8.00pm.
We are actively planning this content presently and will communicate the new schedule to you as soon as we have it finalised. We hope to have regular presentations from both national and international photographers as well as our regular Monthly League competition.
We are planning to hold our AGM via Zoom, 6th October (provisional date) and will keep you advised of this in due course. Now is the time to be considering any motions or nominations, you might wish to put forward, when the time comes, for inclusion on AGM Agenda.
While it is not possible for CCG to organise outings at the moment I would encourage you to get out with your cameras, even if it was only one day a month. If you choose to meet up with other members or friends at chosen locations, then I urge you to adhere to all HSE/Govt guidelines and stay safe.
In the meantime, enjoy your summer with family and friends safely and we look forward to welcoming you back, with some great images and ideas to share, as to how we can continue to improve our club offering and enjoy our shared passion in the new normal.
Chair CCG.