8º International Salon of Photographic Art
of Nuevo Foto Club Argentino

We have been notified about this salon. It may be of interest to some CCG members. Contact them directly if you want to participate at “El Argentino 2020”

CL OPEN COLOR (Pictorial and/or Creative) PID-C PSA
MC OPEN MONOCHROME (Pictorial and/or Creative) PID-M PSA
PT TRAVEL (Color and/or Monochrome) PTD PSA
MU – MUSIC (Color and/or Monochrome – Pictorial and/or Creative) PID-C PSA

Exhibition: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Delivery of the catalogues and awards: Friday, December 4, 2020


Participation Tutorial English

Entry Rules English

To access the Salon system

.Chairman: Claudio Santamaria SFAF – AFIAP

Nuevo Foto Club Argentino
Talcahuano 342 piso 1º dpto. 14
(1013) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
(54 11) 4382-8026